Thursday, August 4, 2016

All About Basketball: Explosive Training Matt Makalintal

All About Basketball: Explosive Training Matt Makalintal: Selain latihan yang dilakukan di gym, court dan lapangan berpasir, coach Matt juga punya sesi latihan Aquatic, Ballers! Latihan ini d...


All About Basketball: THE BEST CARDIOS IS SWIMMING: One, we’ve gotta relax the muscles since we came from the court which we did lots of conditioning, lots of running. So, after sprint ...

Explosive Training Matt Makalintal

Selain latihan yang dilakukan di gym, court dan lapangan berpasir, coach Matt juga punya sesi latihan Aquatic, Ballers! Latihan ini dilakukan di kolam renang. Bukan tanpa alasan, training ini memberikan manfaat yang bagus untuk fisik para pemain basket yang berjuang untuk bisa masuk Dream Team CTW 2016 itu.  “Satu, pernapasan ya, buat anak-anak. Dua, VO2Max juga kita bisa tingkatin. Latihannya kelihatan nggak terlalu berat tapi sebenernya cukup bikin anak-anak capek,” kata coach Jko menjelaskan. Nggak cuma itu, coach Jko juga ngejelasin bahwa dengan metode latihan yang lumayan berat itu, peserta Training Camp nantinya punya kemampuan recovery yang lebih cepat untuk menghadapi jeda antar pertandingan yang cukup rapat, Ballers.

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One, we’ve gotta relax the muscles since we came from the court which we did lots of conditioning, lots of running. So, after sprint with resistance practice, now we want the muscles to keep moving to make sure that their body move with resistance. So, once they go back to the court, they can translate it and then it’s gonna be easier. It’s good for endurance because we ought to do laps. So, one of the best cardios is swimming so like what we did today, their lungs were burning already. So, it can translate in the court so it’s gonna be easier for them

For the first day, we started last Saturday, so we’re building foundation so when we did what we did were weights. We’re getting their muscles ready. So, eventually, we’re gonna put in some plyometrics, some explosive movements when their bodies are accustomed already. We’re building up their strength and then we’re gonna transform it to power so we’re gonna make them more explosive and improve their quickness. For the first steps, you want to build the muscles, build its strength, and then when you do plyometrics, it’s gonna be more explosive. After the first steps, they’re gonna be quicker, they’re gonna have the confidence to make those quick movements because since they’ve been doing their training, they can feel already their imrovement in their body when they’re getting stronger.

Sebagai coach yang berpengalaman meningkatkan kekuatan fisik para pemain basket, coach Matt juga tetap memfokuskan latihannya untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot, kecepatan dan daya ledak peserta Training Camp. Sejak hari pertama, coach Matt langsung nge-drill peseerta Training Camp. Mantap!

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